Price Manager

Price Manager

Contents of the Article: 


  • What is Price Manager? 
  • Who can use the services offered by Price Manager? 
  • How can it benefit the user? 

What is Price Manager? 


Founded in 2008 by John Swatek, Price Manager is a global SaaS company that helps users to fully maximize transparent data and increase sales through data analysis.  Price Manager competitor price monitoring software that tracks the competitors’ prices and how or when they change their product.



Price Manager uses state of the art technology to gather data from your competitors.  You can track as many competitors as you like or you can just focus on your best-selling products since it’s a subscription-based company. Price Manager allows you to visit the individual products of your competitors for further data research and analysis. 


Who can use the services offered by Price Manager?


This platform is for the sole purpose of helping users of any business size—retailers, manufacturers and partners obtain data from their competitors worldwide to boost sales and profit, learn more business opportunities and increase strategies to fully maximize the analysis of data. The users are provided with custom print labels and in-store kiosks. 


How can it benefit the user? 


The users of Price Manager are the retailers, manufacturers and partners. Price Manager allows them to track prices, analyze trends and charts and manage to make actions for business growth. It also allows users to access data that may answer questions like what are the best-selling products this month, when do the prices rise or drop, and how do they strategize. These are some key features for different users. 

  • For retailers  

Provided by a powerful, web-based tool used for data analysis and giving competitor intelligence. They have daily price tracking, competitor product assortment and marketplace/shopping engine scan. 


  • For manufacturers   

It allows users to track unauthorized sellers, tracking and following the Minimum Advertised Pricing policy, and gathering data to maintain and improve brand image and gain profit. They also offer brand placement reports.


  • For partners  

By partnering with Price Manager, you increase the value of your product. Their service for partners includes daily price tracking, competitor product assortment and marketplace/shopping engine scan.



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