eCommerce Marketing

eCommerce Marketing

Beeketing is an online platform that provides valuable tools to entrepreneurs worldwide on how to track customer behavior and interest, generate more sales, and more.



We found articles on the website to help you grow your business by applying different marketing strategies.

How to Increase Your Ecommerce Business ROI Using SMS Marketing

This article mainly dives into the idea of increasing your business's return on investment through SMS marketing. While this strategy has not been implemented heavily in the industry, marketing through SMS will still be effective since practically everyone has access to a mobile phone. Learn more HERE.

7 Social Media Marketing Strategies for Your Ecommerce Store in 2021

Unlike SMS marketing, social media marketing is common among businesses. In fact, it has proven to be the most effective platform to promote products and services thus far. And with about 3.69 billion individuals using social media, this article discusses seven marketing strategies to grow your online store using the said platform. Learn more HERE. 

Affiliate Marketing: How it Transforms Your e-Commerce Business

Another highly effective strategy is affiliate marketing, wherein businesses have other companies or individuals of influence to increase brand awareness. This article chews over the nature and benefits of affiliate marketing, how it is so effective, why your business needs it, and more. Learn more HERE 


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